Over the last few years, corporations have been channeling most of their efforts on customer satisfaction. It emerged as one of the most important metrics of a business’s profitability and a vital key performance indicator. We live in an era when even one unsatisfied customer can push a company towards doing better and delivering better services.
This is why companies have started investing in smarter business solutions to streamline customer service departments. One of these services is the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). In this post, we will be discussing the importance of customer support programs and the role that VoIP has to play in them.
Why is customer support important?
We live in a time when customers have tons of options to choose form and switching costs are very low. Millennial customers are also well-informed and know how to compare one service with another.
It’s not a hard task to acquire customers; the real deal is retaining them. This is why the term ‘after sales service’ has come to the fore in recent years. No matter what industry they belong to, companies are now focusing on how to establish long-term relationships with customers.
This has the advantage of making your customer a brand evangelist. If they’re satisfied and like your services, they’re likely to recommend them to friends and family. This serves as a free and effective marketing tool for companies. In marketing, this stage of customer satisfaction is referred to as the ‘third moment of truth’. This is when a customer becomes a fan of the product/service and carries the message forward.
These days, customers are looking for holistic, one-stop solutions. They don’t like visiting multiple stores and locations to get their work done. Take software troubleshooting as an example; customers want someone who can download software, provide technical support, and look after updates and monthly maintenance. They also want a service which is available 24 hours a day. If you fail to provide this kind of service, you’ll lose potential customers.
What kind of support does the customer want?
No matter what the nature of your business, one of the primary requirements of every customer around the world is promptness. This is the age of the internet, after all; gone are the days when shoppers visited stores in person to get complaints registered and queries addressed. Not only do they want their issues resolved from the comfort of their bedroom, but they also expect the company to have a proactive approach. Customers hate lag, delays, and interruption.
This is why the Voice over Internet Protocol is the future!
What is VOIP?
VoIP refers to a mechanism which enables the transmission of phone calls using the internet. Under this system, data is transmitted in the form of packets using IP, and not PSTN. This is also referred to as internet telephony.
An important and relevant type of VoIP is Business VoIP. It’s used by small and medium scale enterprises to carry out various ‘private branch exchange capabilities.’ By this, we mean that it enables them to carry out conference calling, automate attendants, and put desk to desk calling systems in place. This means that they fulfill the same function as a traditional landline communication system, except that they’re more advanced, faster, and beneficial for businesses.
How does VoIP add to customer support?
Here are some ways having a VoIP system can benefit the customer support system of a company:
- Enhanced communication
One of the success factors for any business is how effectively they’re able to communicate. VoIP is very multifunctional in nature. It doesn’t just allow you to make and receive calls over the internet; it also facilitates videoconferencing. It gives you the ability to get in touch with potential stakeholders without being physically present in the same room as they are.
Speaking from the customer’s perspective, VoIP can help you skip the hassle of conducting in-person meetings with your customers. Let’s say you’re running an entrepreneurial venture that deals in customized home décor solutions. In cases like these, the customer needs to be kept updated and informed at every stage as the product is manufactured. For this, the company needs to repeatedly get in touch with the client to get their feedback. With the help of VoIP, you could carry out seamless video calling. There will be no losing contact midway; no hefty bills, and no need to hire an attendant. This will also give you an edge over your competitors.
- Better allocation of funds
VoIP enables businesses to go paperless. Not only is this an environmentally-friendly solution, but there is also no need to write letters and send out faxes to customers to address their queries. All you need is a functional internet connection. Since the system is cloud-based you also don’t need to invest in new hardware.
When all of these costs are ruled out, the business is left with more funds to allocate to enhancing the quality of their offerings and customer service. The same funds can also be effectively used to start loyalty programs for customers as a way to reward customers who have been with the brand for years. Or, you could use it to provide better technical support, free updates, and software maintenance. All in all, it only means more value for the customer.
It’s undeniable that a VoIP service goes a long way in enhancing customer satisfaction through better communication. If you’re confused about the best VoIP service providers to choose from, you can compare the most viable options through our website. At Top 5 Business VoIP, we strive to help you choose the best service for your business.
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